Convenience stores might be about to get a whole lot more convenient with the announcement of Robomart, a c-store on wheels that brings groceries, baked goods and prepared foods right to your front door.

As TechCrunch reports, Robomart is the result of 10 years of research from Ali Ahmed, who is a serial entrepreneur who previously developed a mobile grocery concept a decade ago.

“I believe we’re creating a new category,” Ahmed said in the TechCrunch story. “We think we’re competing with the sidewalk robots.” In fact, Ahmed seems to be competing with the corner store—which offers the same fractional amount of goods with the argument of proximity and convenience.

According to the company’s website: Consumers tap a button to request the closest robomart. When it arrives, customers unlock the doors, shop, and then close the doors and send it on its way. Robomart tracks what customers have removed using patent pending “grab and go” checkout-free technology, that charges them and then sends them a receipt.

It’s now becoming increasingly easier to picture the near future where everything from rainbow sherbert to puppies are wheeled right to your front door.